Data Management and Reuse for Oceanographers

Welcome to the Data Management and Data Reuse workshop. This class will guide you through data management best practices and using these data. This class focussed on Oceanographic data, but the principles are applicable for other types of data as well. This class focussed on tabular data and the use of specific programs like excel of libre office.

WE hope you enjoy this class! The BCO-DMO team




Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction to Data Reuse, Access and Provenance What will be covered in this section
00:05 2. Assessing Datasets for Reuse How do you assess datasets to make sure they are ready for analyses?
How do you download the dataset you choose?
How do you plot and explore data?”
00:15 3. BCO-DMO Data Access How do I search for data in ERDDAP?
How can I subset a dataset?
How do I download a dataset?
00:30 4. Capturing Provenance What should I be recording while I do my analyses?
01:05 5. Download a dataset, write provenance during analysis
01:10 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.